Winter is a time to go inward. A time of retrospection and self care. This winter we have enjoyed family around the holidays, recharging with a trip to Florida, building upon friendships, and getting in a little surf and skiing. The winter allows us to restore our reserves and get ready to spring forth.
Self care can be equated with the airline advisory to put your mask on first, then to assist those next to you. You can only help others once you yourself are cared for and in balance. All too often we sacrifice, as mothers, as fathers, as friends, to help others in need. But if you view your level of self care as a fuel tank, you can see that it is vitally important to refuel yourself. Likewise, it’s important to use that fuel so that it doesn’t become stagnant. It’s a balance of give and take, or rather gift and accept. When you give more than you allow in return, it results in emptiness. Running on empty can be seen in such symptoms as fear, jealousy, anger, hoarding of knowledge, affection, and material comforts. On the other hand, a balance is evident in a free flow of information, love, and service.
What do you do to promote self care?